Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Vintage Genesis Elijah Footage

The year was around 2000 and a group of MC's known as the Boiler Room Collective stood at the gates of the UK Hip-Hop kingdom ready to storm the castle...Or something like that.

I have to admit this was probably the best time of my life as far as being able to make music when I wanted (I lived with producer Tom Caruana) and being around creative people. We all lived around North West London at the time and all we did was write rhymes, make tracks and perform at local events. The main Boiler Room Collective members were Tom Caruana, Drama, Teej, Ahmos, AC, Terra Slim, and Me. Overqualified ( Crucifix & Tsunami NKA Bounce) were also affiliates along with Red Master, Syntax and a few other that I can't really remember.

Anyway here's the footage...

So I guess the question is where are they all now? Well lets go through the list...

AC & Terra went on to release two albums and have sold around 50,000 copies around the UK and europe. AC and Terra Slim have since gone their separate ways and have been releasing solo projects for the last three years. Terra Slim is currently living and working with a label out it Amsterdam.

Ahmos went on to become a sound engineer and producer working with artist from all over the world. He released some tracks with Roots Manuva's label Banana Klan and is recording a album with them at the moment as well as sound engineering for various UK television channels.

Teej went to india to work with orphans and is currently a hippie...Nah jokes (The hippie part not the kids part, he really did help kids) I'm not sure what he's up to. Probably killing mics somewhere...

DR Syntax hooked up with some guy called Stig and they have pretty much been running the underground scene ever since.

Overqualified went there separate ways. Crucifix has just put out a sick EP The Cornerstone with The Krate Krusaders and Tsunami changed his name to Bounce and is currently making some banging beats.

The last time I saw Drama was in Harrow about 5 years ago. Not sure what he's up to.

And last but not least the man who made it happen Tom Caruana. He's been running Tea Sea records for the last few years and making some pretty sick music.

Oh I almost forgot about the young skinny 20 year old with the bunches in his hair they called Genesis Elijah. Well he went on to release a little album called 'Deh Pon Road' then a mixtape then...You'll have to keep checking this blog for the rest of his story.

Big shout to all The Boiler Room Collective and all the old affiliates. Thanks for the memories, 

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